Expecting your first? JFamily has you covered with everything you need to know
before welcoming your little bundle of cuteness! The JBaby Prenatal is a
three-part course that covers topics including:
Labor and Delivery
Newborn Care
Breastfeeding Basics
Brit Milah (Bris)
Baby Naming
Daddy Boot Camp
Expert Mom Talk
Cost for the series: $145 (cost has been subsidized by the Adam and Hannah
Kessler Family Fund.)
If cost is a barrier to attend this program, please reach out for scholarship
**Please Note: JBaby classes will take place at a variety of locations: 1/28
(Newborn Care/Feeding) at Hillel Day School, 2/4: (Labor and Delivery) at The
J Detroit in West Bloomfield, 2/10: (Daddy Boot Camp/Moms Talk, Brit Milah,
Challah bake) at Aish Detroit in Oak Park.**
Organized by: JFamily Detroit
View event on Jlive: https://jlive.app/events/9762