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Wisdom and Coffee Edition: Winter Series: Tikkun Olam as Toxic Compassion?

April 26 @ 9:30 AM10:30 AM EDT

**Tikkun Olam as Toxic Compassion?**

At Passover, we remember that we were slaves in Egypt and that God brought us
out of slavery. From this we might draw two conclusions: (1) we must be
careful when we are powerful never to become like the Egyptians and (2) we
must be powerful enough to never let anyone else treat us the way that Egypt
did. Where do the values of compassion and justice collide, and how might we
find a balance in offering compassion and in self-preservation?

_Offered monthly and including a great breakfast, Wisdom and Coffee provides
an opportunity for learning and conversation on a Shabbat morning that is
entirely separate from our prayer service. Participants may choose to dress
casually and come just for the Wisdom and Coffee, or they may stay for the
Shabbat service as well. Coffee and a special breakfast will be served._

_Wisdom and Coffee is generously sponsored by Shelley and Joel Tauber._

Organized by: Congregation Shaarey Zedek

View event on Jlive: https://jlive.app/events/9983


April 26
9:30 AM – 10:30 AM EDT
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Congregation Shaarey Zedek
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