Contemporary Halachic Debates: More Questions, Fewer Answers with Rabbi Michele Faudem

**Contemporary Halachic Debates: More Questions, Fewer Answers ** Join Rabbi Faudem for a lively weekly discussion and debate on current, relevant topics. How does Halacha (Jewish Law) impact our everyday opinions and decisions? Participate in this round table discussion as Rabbi Faudem asks you to answer the question: “What are your questions, comments and concerns?” […]

Simple Instructions For A Complicated Life with Rabbi Michele Faudem

**Simple Instructions For A Complicated Life** Pirkei Avot (Ethics of the Fathers) is a rich treasure trove of short, moral and ethical teachings that serve as guides for Jewish living. Join in the exploration of these inspiring materials as Rabbi Faudem presents these morsels of advice and insights of the leading rabbinic scholars of different […]

An Angel On Your Back with Rabbi Michele Faudem

**An Angel On Your Back** Do you ever get the feeling that a departed loved one is watching over you? Perhaps you have a strange feeling that someone is trying to communicate with you? Angels are supernatural beings that appear widely throughout Jewish literature. The Hebrew word for angel, mal’ach, means messenger, and the angels […]

Parsha Hashavuah (Weekly Torah Portion)

**Parsha Hashavuah (Weekly Torah Portion) ** Each week a different rabbi, cantor or educator will present the weekly Torah portion from his or her own perspective. You never know who will be teaching each week, but it is always enlightening and engaging! Sign up for one ten- week series or the entire year. ** _Students […]

Torah Line By Line: The Journey Continues with Rabbi Dr. Mitch Parker

**Torah Line By Line: The Journey Continues** Join us for the second half of the Book of Exodus as we continue to work our way, line by line, through the Torah. We resume as the Israelites arrive at Mount Sinai to receive the Torah and to build their very first temple, the Mishkan, while briefly […]

Chapter And Verse: The Second Temple with Rabbi Michele Faudem

**Chapter And Verse: The Second Temple** We have heard about the Babylonian exile and destruction of the First Temple, but what do we know about the building of the Second Temple and who rebuilt it? Did all of the Jews return to the Land of Canaan? What happened to prophecy? How did we transition to […]

Wisdom Wednesdays The Moral Voice Of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks with Rabbi Michele Faudem

** Wisdom Wednesdays – The Moral Voice Of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks ** Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks (1948-2020) was a global religious leader, philosopher, author of more than 25 books and a moral voice for our time. His thinking and writings have influenced and will continue to influence the mindset of world Jewry for generations to […]

Contemporary Halachic Debates: More Questions, Fewer Answers with Rabbi Michele Faudem

**Contemporary Halachic Debates: More Questions, Fewer Answers ** Join Rabbi Faudem for a lively weekly discussion and debate on current, relevant topics. How does Halacha (Jewish Law) impact our everyday opinions and decisions? Participate in this round table discussion as Rabbi Faudem asks you to answer the question: “What are your questions, comments and concerns?” […]

Simple Instructions For A Complicated Life with Rabbi Michele Faudem

**Simple Instructions For A Complicated Life** Pirkei Avot (Ethics of the Fathers) is a rich treasure trove of short, moral and ethical teachings that serve as guides for Jewish living. Join in the exploration of these inspiring materials as Rabbi Faudem presents these morsels of advice and insights of the leading rabbinic scholars of different […]

An Angel On Your Back with Rabbi Michele Faudem

**An Angel On Your Back** Do you ever get the feeling that a departed loved one is watching over you? Perhaps you have a strange feeling that someone is trying to communicate with you? Angels are supernatural beings that appear widely throughout Jewish literature. The Hebrew word for angel, mal’ach, means messenger, and the angels […]

Parsha Hashavuah (Weekly Torah Portion)

**Parsha Hashavuah (Weekly Torah Portion) ** Each week a different rabbi, cantor or educator will present the weekly Torah portion from his or her own perspective. You never know who will be teaching each week, but it is always enlightening and engaging! Sign up for one ten- week series or the entire year. ** _Students […]

Torah Line By Line: The Journey Continues with Rabbi Dr. Mitch Parker

**Torah Line By Line: The Journey Continues** Join us for the second half of the Book of Exodus as we continue to work our way, line by line, through the Torah. We resume as the Israelites arrive at Mount Sinai to receive the Torah and to build their very first temple, the Mishkan, while briefly […]