Kids, tot thru 5th grade, are invited along with their parents, grandparents, and friends, for a celebration of Shabbat. We’ll have age appropriate youth services – one for kids 5 and under and one for kids in kindergarten thru 5th grade. Plus, there will be special activities based on the holiday during the month and […]
Save the date for the annual Barbara and Douglas z”l Bloom Matzah Factory: April 6, 2025! _All JFamily programs welcome the diversity we know exists in our community. This includes, but is not limited to, multifaith families, Jews of Color, single parent families, members of the trans and LGBTQ+ community, people with disabilities, and […]
Kids, tot thru 5th grade, are invited along with their parents, grandparents, and friends, for a celebration of Shabbat. We’ll have age appropriate youth services – one for kids 5 and under and one for kids in kindergarten thru 5th grade. Plus, there will be special activities based on the holiday during the month and […]